• Ukraine
  • Ongoing since June 2021

Crop Maps

The “Support for Transparent Land Management in Ukraine” program conducts analytical work and develops pilot projects aimed at providing recommendations for the Government of Ukraine. The focus is on creating conditions for a transparent agricultural land market, efficient land use, and attracting investment in the rural sector. Since 2018, the program has supported the government in monitoring the country’s sown area structure, using remote sensing for land use analysis and yield forecasting. The “Geoportal,” created as part of the program, provides public access to geospatial data, including maps of agricultural crops since 2018

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Client Challenges / Goals


Developing a unified center for displaying Ukraine's crop maps for different semesters starting from 2018.


The cartographic service must support OGC-compliant standards, including Web Mapping Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), and Web Coverage Service (WCS).


The service should provide standard image processing functions like resizing, scaling, image mosaic construction, etc.


It must support various types of vector and raster data, including pre-built mosaics, GeoTIFF, and SHP files.

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Technologies, we used in this project
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Main Results
Successfully implemented project.
State Agrarian Registry (DAR):
The service is used in the State Agrarian Registry (DAR).
Actively used:
Actively used by farmers, the Ministry of Agro-Industrial Complex, and international organizations assisting Ukraine in the agricultural sector.
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Project Metrics
The project was completed within the specified month.
User feedback on the geoportal indicates high satisfaction with its capabilities.

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