Case Studies

See how Breeze Soft has helped its clients solve global challenges in Digital Transformation and scale revenue

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State Agrarian Registry (SAR), World Bank Project

Automated electronic system created by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy with the aim of effectively and transparently attracting and distributing all types of support for Ukrainian agrarians, whether it be state budget funds, concessional loans, international grants, or technical assistance

United Kingdom
Touch-Type Read and Spell

Online learning platform specifically designed to enhance typing skills and literacy simultaneously. Tailored for users with dyslexia, TTRS offers a structured touch-typing course that not only teaches keyboarding techniques but also boosts literacy development


The Carsaler mobile app is a marketplace for selecting and selling cars


A service website for a Gamedev company that develops games and art on demand, as well as provides outstaffing services (leasing specialists for projects).

[Document Management]

Digital document platform designed to streamline form management processes and enhance client interaction. This solution enables efficient creation, editing, and management of digital forms, incorporating features such as digital signatures, document uploads, and online payment integration.


A mobile application for browsing restaurant menus and placing orders

United Kingdom

An interactive mobile app designed to track and improve mental health

Studio Motio

A service site for an interactive design studio specializing in web development


A website offering services in business process optimization and financial consulting within the energy sector. The service provides information on accessing government subsidies and support for implementing energy-efficient solutions

[Real Estate]

A web application for comprehensive management of residential buildings, integrated with the database of the Kyiv City Cadastre. This application provides management of geospatial and business data, enabling the automation and optimization of management processes in the residential sector


A platform for digital sociological research that quickly analyzes and provides data with conclusions and recommendations for further usage

PPU System

Platform designed with distributed servers and databases. It’s engineered to automate the import and processing of sales reports across the company’s international divisions. Additionally, it provides comprehensive sales data analysis for authorized users in the central office of the company

Pilot National System of Cadaster and Registration of Properties

An integrated platform for managing land documents and real estate, ensuring efficient data exchange and cartographic functions

[Document Generation]
Self-invested project

Online service for quick and convenient filling of documents. The platform allows easy finding, editing, and printing of standard forms, providing the ability to save and reuse templates.

Crop Maps

The “Support for Transparent Land Management in Ukraine” program conducts analytical work and develops pilot projects aimed at providing recommendations for the Government of Ukraine. The focus is on creating conditions for a transparent agricultural land market, efficient land use, and attracting investment in the rural sector. Since 2018, the program has supported the government in monitoring the country’s sown area structure, using remote sensing for land use analysis and yield forecasting. The “Geoportal,” created as part of the program, provides public access to geospatial data, including maps of agricultural crops since 2018

Modernization of Real Property Registration and Cadastre World Bank Project

The Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project aims to create an efficient land administration system that enhances property rights security and contributes to real property market development through improvements in land registration, cadastre systems, joint field operations, and institutional arrangements

[ 08 ]
Models of Cooperation
Time & Material

For constantly developing and dynamically changing projects. Payment is made based on the actual hours spent.

[ Size of the Project ]

Medium, Large, Enterprise

[ Timeframe & Budget Flexibility ]


[ Client’s control over the process ]


[ Development Methodology ]


[ Ability to change requirements ]


[ Main Features of each model ]

  • Working in sprints (Agile approach) and the ability to make changes at any stage; 
  • Visibility of the result at each stage; 
  • Flexible payment system (upon completion of work, weekly, monthly, quarterly).

Fixed Price

For projects that have an approved concept with a clear end result. Payment is made in accordance with the agreed calendar schedule and in accordance with completed sprints or by agreement.

[ Size of the Project ]

Small, Medium

[ Timeframe & Budget Flexibility ]


[ Client’s control over the process ]


[ Development Methodology ]


[ Ability to change requirements ]


[ Main Features of each model ]

  • Fixed budget;
  • Fixed scope of works;
  • Fixed terms;
  • Impossibility of making changes or additions after signing the contract.


For companies that have their own product and IT Department, and they need to supplement it with individual specialists.

[ Size of the Project ]


[ Timeframe & Budget Flexibility ]


[ Client’s control over the process ]


[ Development Methodology ]

Agile / Waterfall / Kanban

[ Ability to change requirements ]

Depends on the project

[ Main Features of each model ]

  • Experienced specialists who don’t need training;
  • Exemption from paying taxes, sick leave and holidays for the employee;
  • Support from our CTO, who mentors and advises the hired specialist.

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