• 12 month

Pilot National System of Cadaster and Registration of Properties

An integrated platform for managing land documents and real estate, ensuring efficient data exchange and cartographic functions

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Client Challenges / Goals


Large Project Scope: Development and integration of various components of the cadaster system, including the Client Cadaster Desktop and Web Component.


Data Exchange and Collaboration: Ensuring effective interaction and data exchange with other external systems.


Development of Cartography Module: Creation of an interactive Web Component of Cadaster with functionalities for map viewing, layer management, digitization, and data storage.


Integration with the City Cadaster: Ensuring database compatibility with the city cadaster's document management system.

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Technologies, we used in this project
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Main Results
Effective Cadaster Management:
Successful implementation of the Client Cadaster Desktop to optimize the management of land documents.
Continuous Data Exchange:
Successfully established mechanisms for proper collaboration and data exchange with external systems, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
Powerful Cartography Module:
The Cadaster Web Component provided users with an intuitive map viewing experience, including essential navigation, layer management, digitization, and data storage capabilities.
Integrated Data Storage:
The database was successfully integrated with the city cadaster's document management system.
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Project Metrics
The project was completed within the specified 12 months.
High satisfaction with the Cadaster Web Component's cartography and navigation capabilities.

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