• 36 month

PPU System

Platform designed with distributed servers and databases. It’s engineered to automate the import and processing of sales reports across the company’s international divisions. Additionally, it provides comprehensive sales data analysis for authorized users in the central office of the company

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Client Challenges / Goals


Data Integration: Efficiently consolidating diverse data sources and formats from various regions into a single integrated system.


Efficiency and Cost: Significantly reducing the time and financial expenses associated with data processing and analysis.


User Accessibility: Enhancing the accessibility and convenience of data analysis tools for end-users.

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Technologies, we used in this project
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Main Results
Unified Data System:
Development and implementation of a unified platform for collecting, analyzing, and managing sales data from all regions.
Operational Optimization:
Substantial reduction in time and costs for data processing and analysis.
Process Standardization:
Unification and standardization of data collection and report preparation procedures.
Consolidated Database Structure:
Creation of a consolidated database structure for managing sales across all regions.
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Project Metrics
50% Reduction in Support Costs: Optimizing the expenses for maintaining individual systems.
40% Increase in Data Analysis Accuracy: Contributing to better planning and decision-making.
25% Reduction in Errors: Standardizing data collection and preparation processes reduces errors.

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