• Ukraine
  • Ongoing since June 2021

State Agrarian Registry (SAR), World Bank Project

Automated electronic system created by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy with the aim of effectively and transparently attracting and distributing all types of support for Ukrainian agrarians, whether it be state budget funds, concessional loans, international grants, or technical assistance

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Client Review

The development team at Breeze Software has undertaken a monumental endeavor in conceiving, developing, and launching the State Agrarian Registry (SAR) system during a period of significant national challenges. Thanks to the unwavering dedication and relentless efforts of the development team, the system has not only been successfully implemented but has also facilitated the disbursement of financial and technical aid to over 40,000 farmers from partner nations and international organizations, amounting to more than 2 billion UAH. It’s imperative to emphasize the remarkable level of professionalism and commitment demonstrated by the Breeze Software team. Their contributions have been instrumental in bringing the State Agrarian Registry into existence and driving its functionality.

Daria Manzhura
World Bank Project Manager and Program Coordinator
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Client Challenges / Goals


Ensuring accessibility and integration with state registries including State Land Cadastre, State Register of Real Property Rights, Unified State Register, Animal Register, State Statistics Service, Migration Service, and Tax and Customs Services.


Changes in legislation and technical requirements.


Objectivity and accuracy of user data obtained from state registries and services.


Engaging users through a user-friendly interface.


Protecting the confidentiality and access to user data stored in the system.


System scalability.


Compliance with regulatory requirements.

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Tehnologies, we used in this project
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Main Results
Levels of protection and confidentiality:
Data privacy in the Register is ensured through digital signatures to prevent unauthorized access.
Verification of land registries:
Allows registered farmers to check land registries and submit correction requests when necessary.
User-friendly interface:
Provides transparent and efficient management of relevant agricultural producers, including the selection of applicants, distribution of state support, and administration.
Reporting system:
Monitoring recipients of state support and creating consolidated reports to track progress.
Data analytics:
Includes functionality for authorities and local bodies to obtain statistical and analytical information based on SAR data, which can be used to shape regional and national agricultural policies and programs.
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Project Metrics
Over 100,000 active platform users.
More than 60 assistance have passed through SAR system.

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Case Studies
State Agrarian Registry (SAR), World Bank Project

Automated electronic system created by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy with the aim of effectively and transparently attracting and distributing all types of support for Ukrainian agrarians, whether it be state budget funds, concessional loans, international grants, or technical assistance

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