• United Kingdom
  • Ongoing since 2014

Touch-Type Read and Spell

Online learning platform specifically designed to enhance typing skills and literacy simultaneously. Tailored for users with dyslexia, TTRS offers a structured touch-typing course that not only teaches keyboarding techniques but also boosts literacy development

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Client Review

Breeze Software has been our dependable partner for nearly a decade. They are true professionals who not only produce high-quality code but also provide innovative solutions to advance my business. The project team exhibits remarkable flexibility, maintains prompt communication and consistently adheres to agreed-upon deadlines for product delivery. Over this extended partnership, we have collaboratively crafted a large-scale competitive online learning product, which has become one of the market leaders. Presently, we are excited to embark on an upgraded version 2.0, employing new technologies and approaches. I wholeheartedly recommend Breeze Software as a reliable and trusted IT partner for software development.

Henry Alexander
Director of TTRS
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Client Challenges / Goals


Accessibility for individuals with dyslexia and other reading and writing impairment.


Integration of the Orton-Gillingham approach into a gamified educational program.


Universal accessibility across all devices.


High-level security and data protection.


Enhancing user motivation and engagement.


Platform scalability and availability.

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Technologies, we used in this project
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Main Results
Interactive Learning Modules:
Developed interactive modules to assist users in learning reading and writing through games and exercises.
Personalized Learning:
The system offers personalized learning tailored to users' needs and proficiency levels.
Secure User Profiles:
Users can create secure profiles to track their progress and achievements without worrying about data security.
Admin Panel for Teachers and Individual Classes:
Teachers can create classes and individual modules for effective school curriculum-based learning.
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Project Metrics
Over 107,000 active platform users.
Over 250,000 completed interactive tasks and exercises monthly.
Average session duration on the platform increased by 40%, indicating high user engagement.
82% of users showed improvements in learning and reading/writing skills.
The platform is successfully used in more than 20 countries, demonstrating its global accessibility.

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United Kingdom
Touch-Type Read and Spell

Online learning platform specifically designed to enhance typing skills and literacy simultaneously. Tailored for users with dyslexia, TTRS offers a structured touch-typing course that not only teaches keyboarding techniques but also boosts literacy development


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