Inside of Breeze Software

Learn more about our corporate culture and why being with us — is cool 😉

Open Positions
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International, commercial and social projects
We always have interesting projects where you can realize your potential and develop as a professional. These are projects of international importance (10,000+ hours) and own product developments in more than 15 industries.
Regular reviews of financial motivation
Do you feel that your results have improved, and your productivity has increased? Have you learned a new technology and successfully implement it in your projects? Completed all goals from the development plan? We see and appreciate such things, so we regularly sum up your achievements and, in case of positive results, review your financial motivation.
Tuition compensation
Found a useful course that you think will help you improve your skills? If we are sure of its benefit, we will compensate 50% of its cost ;)
Englishman in New York
No more «‎Sorry for my bad English». Breeze Soft provides English language courses so that you can increase your market value, work on interesting international projects and enjoy your vacation abroad.
Team trainings, Workshops, Team buildings
Once a month, we meet in the office, where we share the latest news and conduct workshops on a chosen topic that we believe will be useful for employees. Such meetings improve interaction in the team and increase its expertise.
Corporate library
We have our own corporate library of more than 300 e-books and audiobooks, where everyone can choose what they consider necessary and appealing for themselves.
We always try to assign a mentor to each employee who will provide direction for growth and help them become better. Let's be honest, it doesn't always work out that way (for various reasons), but we do everything possible and impossible so that every person in our team receives the necessary feedback.
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Work-Life Balance
Hybrid format of work
We are for Win2Win cooperation, so we work both from the office and from home. It all depends on your position and life circumstances. We are always ready to discuss different scenarios that will be beneficial for both parties.
Flexible schedule
Our standard working day starts from 09:00 - 11:00 and may end at 17:00 - 19:00. In case of an unforeseen situation, you can work at a time convenient for you.
360 and 120 bonus hours of rest
You will have 15 vacation days and 5 additional days to rest and resolve your issues, which you can use in a convenient format throughout the year.
Respect for traditions
Work hard, rest harder. We respect official traditions, so we want you to spend New Year's holidays watching «‎Harry Potter»‎ or «‎Home Alone»‎, and May holidays — with a barbecue (in the circle of people close to you).
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Health and
comfort care
Lunch compensation
A satisfied employee — is a happy employee. We compensate for lunches in the company office, so that you have more time for yourself, and not spend it on cooking.
Medical insurance
Breeze Soft provides a health insurance option so that every employee has the opportunity to visit a doctor at any time and be calm about their health. You can also insure family members at the corporate rate.
Sports compensation
In our work, where we spend most of our time at the computer, it's important to keep ourselves in shape. We support active employees and gladly compensate them for sports expenses (gym, yoga, swimming pool, martial arts).
Reimbursement of transport costs or parking space
Tired of constantly looking for a place to park your car? We will provide you with a personal parking space that no one can take away from you. And if you don't have a car, we will compensate you for the daily costs of public transport.
Family Support
We support our employees in bright and not so bright periods, so we always congratulate them on holidays and significant life events, and also help if they have any difficulties in life.
Cozy office with generator and Starlink
Our office — is our unbreakable fortress, where there is always light, stable internet, food, and everything you need to feel like at home ;)
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Our Success
Taras Kupriianchuk
Lead QA

In 2019, I joined the Breeze Software team, just a few days after completing a QA course. Coming from an entirely different background as a leather goods designer, it was both unexpected and delightful to be given the chance to try my hand as a Junior QA.

After my probationary period and working on simpler projects, I was entrusted with leading my first full-scale project from the ground up. This opportunity was crucial for gaining the experience necessary for my future work and improving my skills. What I particularly appreciate about Breeze Software is the chance to work on a variety of projects, each with its own social value and contribution to humanity, which is incredibly motivating to me.

Three years into my tenure at the company, I have progressed to the role of Lead QA. Now, I handle the most complex projects and, in parallel, conduct consultations and training sessions for both employees and clients. This role has provided me with additional motivation, as I feel supported and encouraged by the company to achieve my full potential.

Artem Sheyko
Team Lead Developer

I began working at the company in 2021 as a Junior Developer. Prior to this, I had an interesting work experience far from the IT sphere, working as a general laborer in a factory.

Later, I had the opportunity to delve into internet marketing, but soon realized that programming was more aligned with my interests. I am grateful that Breeze Software gave me the chance to start as a Junior Developer.

In my initial professional steps, I received substantial support and mentorship. This assistance was instrumental in my growth as a developer and eventually led me to become a Team Lead. In my current projects, I utilize a broad technological stack including .NET Core, Angular, and ASP.NET Core.

I am always on the lookout for new and interesting solutions, which I strive to implement immediately in my work. I value that Breeze Software provides me with the space and opportunities to explore and introduce new ideas.

Maryna Stupnytska
Operations Manager

I joined the Breeze Software team in 2021 as a PM. It was a friend who nudged me towards management, having noticed my natural ability to lead during the organization of our joint trip. With my growing interest in this field and considerable perseverance, I began my journey in the PM role after just two weeks. Before moving into management, I had experience as a QC manager and as a tutor of foreign languages, thanks to my education in philology and translation.

Over time, I developed a desire to immerse myself in the more global processes of the company, and I am very pleased that the company provided me with the opportunity to grow into another position. Currently, I hold the position of Operations Manager and have a vast scope for development, as I am responsible for overseeing numerous processes: from developing internal documentation and controlling KPIs to interacting with the CEO and optimizing all the company’s business processes.

I am inspired by the opportunity to work on what interests me, and the team’s support fosters my personal and professional growth.

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Our Values
Openness, trust, and honesty — are the main principles that shape our corporate culture and help build long-term and friendly relations with our colleagues, partners, and clients. We respectfully approach the selection of people to the team, because we believe, it’s — our greatest resource.
  • Be tolerant — respect the personal boundaries and views of each team member;
  • Influence the processes and openly talk about the problems you see. This gives us the opportunity to solve them faster and move towards a common goal;
  • Say honestly if you don’t like something;
  • Trust your team: control not processes, but results;
  • Be yourself.
  • Don’t make fun of people or criticize them for their religious, political, gender and ethnic views;
  • Don’t bring conflicts to the public and don’t raise your voice at colleagues and partners;
  • Don’t criticize the work and ideas of your colleagues. Instead, say how you would do it in their place or share your own experience;
  • Instead, say how you would do it in their place or share your own experience;
  • Don’t deceive or manipulate people.
Any work begins with the ability to take responsibility and finish what you started. Responsibility — is the foundation, thanks to which a person will find ways to solve any problem, even in the absence of hard skills. We are always willing to consider people in the team with less experience, if they share our values, where responsibility — is a key one of them.
  •  Always bring the set tasks to a conclusion and talk about the problems that prevent you from realizing what you promised;
  • Learn to accept with pride not only your achievements, but also your mistakes;
  • Communicate with the team to be sure that each participant understands their role and areas of responsibility in the process where you are involved;
  • Come not only with problems, but with options for their solutions.
  •  Don’t shift responsibility to others;
  • Don’t wait for the problem to resolve itself;
  •  Don’t look for excuses, look for a solution;
  • Don’t promise what you are not sure of, and if you have promised, then complete the work to the end.
We carefully approach requirements analysis, cost calculations, project management, and most importantly, deliver everything we promise to the end result. That is why most of our customers continue to work with us for more than 10 years.
  • Maintain a balance between the pursuit of perfection and the optimal level of quality;
  •  Invest energy in every action and set yourself the highest goals;
  • Make decisions based on data and facts, not intuition.
  • Don’t submit work that you wouldn’t accept yourself;
  • Don’t accept work whose quality is lower than expected;
  • Don’t take on a task without all the necessary information;
  • Don’t take on a task if you don’t understand why it needs to be done.
In the gym, during training, an additional approach is always important, because it stimulates muscle growth. The same principle is at work. The continuous search for new knowledge gives us the opportunity to be better than yesterday, and forget such a word as procrastination. We like it when clients learn about the latest technologies and approaches from us, not us from them.
  • Self-teach, be curious and turn everything you do into an experience;
  • Take knowledge from colleagues and share your own experience, because together is faster;
  • Apply new knowledge in practice, if it doesn’t contradict the interests of the project and business;
  • Ask for feedback on your work and don’t be afraid to give it to other team members;
  • Learn from your mistakes. It’s important and necessary to make a mistake, and it’s even more important to draw conclusions from it;
  • Participate in retrospectives to understand your own and the team’s areas of growth.
  • Don’t be lazy to learn new things and don’t resist changes that improve the work process, and if they make it worse, offer your solution;
  • Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. A good moment begins when you decide it;
  • Don’t forget to share the received information with others. A person who doesn’t want to share knowledge, slows down the cultural growth of the entire nation. It’s important to be able not only to take, but also to give.
Active people always want to control and influence events in their lives, especially at work. These are locomotive people who initiate changes within the company and don’t rest until their tasks or problematic points are solved (within reasonable limits).
  • Offer solutions that will improve processes within the team;
  • Pay attention to problems, even if they are outside the area of your responsibility and competence;
  • Be determined: accept challenges and don’t be afraid to do what you haven’t done before;
  • Be open to helping colleagues, and do the same for them.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for help if you don’t understand something;
  • Don’t be silent if you don’t have work, or you don’t know how to solve a task. It slows down our collective progress;
  • Don’t remain indifferent to the problems of others;
  • Don’t ignore the questions of colleagues, because the speed and quality of their work depends on it;
  • Don’t be passive if you see that there is something that can be improved.
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Our Working Process